quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012

Drizzt Do'Urden

Bom, não tenho nada pra postar aqui, pra variar.
Essa postagem nem é muito pra galera ler, é mais pra mim.
A única coisa que quero dizer p/ quem ler isso (se é que alguém lê isso aqui) é: leiam a série The Legend of Drizzt, do R.A.Salvatore. Quem gosta de ficção, algo meeeio tipo senhor dos anéis, com elfos e anões e blabla, vai gostar. E Drizzt é muito melhor que O Senhor dos Anéis, na minha opinião xD

Enfim, agora é a postagem pra mim. É que no meio do livro tem umas partes que tem umas "cartas" de Drizzt, tipo um diário, onde ele fica ~refletindo sobre coisas da vida~. E eu A-M-O essas partes. Então vou postar duas aqui pra eu ler de vez em quando. Quem tiver interesse, leia... uma é meio que sobre amizade e outra sobre acreditar em deuses.

Livro II - Parte 4

         There have been many times in my life when I have felt helpless. It is perhaps the most acute pain a person can know, founded in frustration and ventless rage. The nick of a sword upon a battling soldier's arm cannot compare to the anguish a prisoner feels at the crack of a whip. Even if the whip does not strike the helpless prisoner's body, it surely cuts deep into his soul.

         We all are prisoners at one time or another in our lives, prisoners to ourselves or to the expectations of others around us. It is a burden that all people endure, that all people despise, and that few people ever learn to escape. I consider myself fortunate in this respect, for my life has traveled along a fairly straight-running path of improvement. Beginning in Menzoberranzan, under the relentless scrutiny of the evil Spider Queen's high pristesses, I suppose that my situation could only have improved.
         In my stubborn youth, I believed that I could stand alone, that I was strong enough to conquer my enemies with sword and with principles. Arrogance convinced me that by sheer determination, I could conquer helplessness itself.Stubborn and foolish youth, I must admit, for when I look back on those years now, I see quite clearly that rarely did I stand alone and rarely did I have to stand alone. Always there were few friends, true and dear, lending me support even when I believed I did not want it, and even when I did not realize they were doing it.
Zaknefein, Belwar, Clacker, Mooshie, Bruenor, Regis, Cattie-Brie, Wulfgar, and of course, Guenhwyvar, dear Guenhwyvar. These were the companions who justified my principles, who gave me the strength to continue against any foe, real or imagined. These were the companions who fought the helplessness, the rage, and frustration.
         These were the friends who gave me my life.

Livro III - Parte 3
         To all the varied peoples of the world nothing is so out of reach, yet so deeply personal and controlling, as the concept of god. My experience in my homeland showed me little of these super-natural beings beyond the influences of the vile drow deity, the Spider Queen, Lolth.
         After witnessing the carnage of Lolth's workings, I was not so quick to embrace the concept of any god, of any being that could so dictate codes of behavior and precepts of an entire society. Is morality not an internal force, and if it is, are principles then to be dictated or felt?
         So follows the question of the gods themselves: Are these named entities, in truth, actual beings, or are they manifestations of shared beliefs? Are the dark elves evil because they follow the precepts of the Spider Queen, or is Lolth a culmination of the drow's natural evil conduct?
Likewise, when the barbarians of Icewind Dale charge across the tundra to war, shouting the name of Tempus, Lord of Battles, are they following the precepts of Tempus, or is Tempus the idealized name they give to their actions?
         This I cannot answer, nor, I have come to realize, can any one else, no matter how loudly they - particularly priests of certain gods - might argue otherwise. In the end, to a preacher's ultimate sorrow, the choice of a god is a personal one, and the alignment to a being is in accord with one's internal code of principles. A missionary might coerce and trick would-be disciples, but no rational being can truly follow the determined orders of any god-figure if those orders run contrary to his own tenets. Neither I, Drizzt Do'Urden, nor my father, Zaknafein, could ever have become disciples of the Spider Queen. And Wulfgar of Icewind Dale, my friend of later years, though he still might yell out to the battle god, does not please this entity called Tempus except on those occasions when he puts his mighty war hammer to use.
         The gods of the realms are many and varied - or they are the many and varied names and identities tagged onto the same being.
         I know not - and care not - which.

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